Электронная библиотека (репозиторий) Томского государственного университета
Title Hits Visitors Downloads
Where and how early career researchers find scholarly information 1838 1831 5
Early career researchers and their authorship and peer review beliefs and practices: An international study 1012 1198 212
Outside the library: Early career researchers and use of alternative information sources in pandemic times 245 295 63
A global questionnaire survey of the scholarly communication attitudes and behaviours of early career researchers 465 1069 778
‘Cracks’ in the scholarly communications system: Insights from a longitudinal international study of early career researchers 107 225 131
Early career researchers in the pandemic-fashioned ‘new scholarly normality’: voices from the research frontline 181 180 1
The impact of the pandemic on early career researchers: what we already know from the internationally published literature 2611 2592 2
Early career researchers in the pandemic-fashioned ‘new scholarly normality’: a first look into the big changes and long-lasting impacts (international analysis) 402 442 47
So, are early career researchers the harbingers of change? 1543 1527 3
Choosing the "right" journal for publication: Perceptions and practices of pandemic-era early career researchers 71 74 9
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Świgon, Marzena

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Świgon, Marzena

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